About Me

Hi there! I’m a Senior Product Designer with a background in marketplaces and monetisation.

In my previous life, I started as a web developer with dreams of being a tech lead. I’ve been manipulating HTML and CSS since 1999 and have added JavaScript, JQuery, PHP, React and other languages to my coding vocabulary. The majority of my time then was spent dealing with clients’ needs or sometimes with a creative director or two. Afterwhich would be followed by hours huddled in front of my screen, wrangling code to build projects and hit deadlines.

Then I discovered UI/UX.

And it changed the way I saw development and interface building forever. I learnt that while it’s essential to cater to the client’s needs, every project needs user feedback to determine success. I then discovered a newfound passion for user research, usability testing and designing for humans. And how user-centric design not only determines the success of a product but also caters to my desire to connect with people in meaningful ways.

While I do code in my spare time, my current path as a product designer has me more fulfilled. And I use every possible opportunity to enhance my skill set. My goal now is to make digital experiences that make life easier or at least easier to manage. At this point in my career, I see myself working in monetisation and online marketplaces. Utilising all I’ve learnt to make frictionless experiences that meet business goals and promote conversions.

Work Experience

Senior Product Designer (Monetisation)
Lummo ( formerly Bukukas ) · Full-time
Mar 2022 – Present

My role as a Senior Product Designer is within the Monetisation Pod. My primary responsibilities include

  • Coordinating design/business strategy meetings and hosting design
  • reviews with key stakeholders.
  • Contributed UI/UX design to the SAAS Subscription project, a multi-layered operation to push users to subscribe to premium tiers.
  • Current Mobile App subscription plans, integrating Google billing as a new payment option for App users.

Senior Product Designer (Monetisation)
PropertyGuru Group · Full-time
Sep 2020 – Mar 2022

My role as a Senior Product Designer is within the Agent Monetisation Squad. My daily responsibilities include delivering wireframes, interactive prototypes and UX research. Also, I formulate design/business strategies and host weekly design reviews with key stakeholders.

  • Principal designer for “Turbo”, a listing-level product placing agent’s listings at a higher tier in search results. The product was a significant success achieving a rapid 50% adoption rate with increased profits of approximately $1m within the first month.
  • User Research – hosted and conducted user interviews with agents. Working closely with the research team to perform usability tests and derive personas. Help synthesise data as well as document user pain points and validate designs.
  • UI/UX design to the revamp of “AgentNet”, PropertyGuru’s primary agent portal, specifically “Listings management”, “Agent Inbox”, and “Listing Issues Management”.
  • UI design for “Listing Performance Insights”, an initiative to create a real-time reporting dashboard to assist agents in understanding the analytics and visibility of their listings.

UI/UX Consultant
Sealed Expert Network · Contract
Mar 2019 – Sep 2020

Sealed is South East Asia’s leading expert domain, connecting clients with regional experts to expand their business. As a UI/UX Consultant, my primary responsibilities are UI design and formulating design strategies.

  • Delivered prototypes and component libraries, bridging designers and developers together for a unified vision for the product.
  • Assisted the development team in coding portions of the prototype to lessen workflow and meet deadlines.
  • Trained the Product Design team to use prototyping software (Figma), converting concept sketches to interactive test versions.
  • Organized weekly “Design Studio” sessions, cultivating a culture of creative discussion for product improvements.
  • Assisted in shareholder meetings, providing design updates and research material for fundraising efforts.

nonlinear Pte Ltd
Developer / Designer – Full-time
Mar 2015 – Sep 2018

Lead development and UX design for all web/online projects for clients. I also produced online campaigns, providing supplemental collateral such as copywriting, photography, illustration and graphic design.

  • Development and design for Jaguar Motors/Land Rover Singapore online owner’s guides.
  • Front-end development and UX design for an online class booking system for Meraki Yoga.
  • Also assisted in illustration and animation for media-based projects for Uniqlo, Gumtree, Guinness Singapore, Singtel and Channel News Asia.