01. Design Brief
Seeq is an event discovery app designed around the users’ curated interests and social circles. The visual design aims to bring fluid and dynamic experiences, minimising interactions to key launch points. The in-built notification system will alert users of upcoming events and other recommended activities.
02. Defining Demographics
After initial research, a persona was created to mark out the core audience for the app. Specifically targeting young adults between 20 and 35 with an active social life.
03. Crafting a User Story
After completing the persona, I made a User Story to define possible features and other functionality.
04. Wireframing
With the features determined, extensive wireframing to plan out the various screens and components needed. The priorities to establish early were the login screens, event feed, singular event screen, booking screen and the user profile.
05. Design System
With the wireframes in place, the next thing was to expand them into a design system of core components for the app.
06. Authorisation
For added security, the user can also set up a 2fa system where a 4 digit pin can be sent to the user. Registration for the service can be done with a phone number or email address.
07. Events Feed
The events feed were the focal point of the project. One aspect was how they’re categorised. The user could declare specific interests during the on-boarding process. But user with multiple interests could be easily overwhelmed with a single stream of events. Creating categories and having individual feeds for each category was implemented. Also, to help users keep track of all events, a separate saved events feed was added. This feed would have a designated button on the bottom tab bar for quick access.
08. Getting Social
The next purpose of the app was the ability to connect with other users based on interests and similar events. While not as robust as other social media platforms, several vital functions, like adding friends and finding other users were essential. The following screens display how users would receive requests and respond.
09. Settings
Additional screens displaying profile settings, app settings and other options to fully personalize the app.
10. Reflection
The project was a distinct exercise for me, as it was a unique opportunity to incorporate social media aspects to an app. As it was my first time incorporating community-building goals, the initial research was very eye-opening.
Users have particular needs when it comes to what others can see about their activities. But are not hesitant to immediately share what their interests are, and seeking those that are like-minded.
If given the time, I would like to explore more functions to allow privacy settings and the ability to appear “offline”. These are the two most requested items when it comes to what users stated could increase satisfaction.